The APF, street photographer of the Year awards were initiated in 2013, and the awards have grown to great proportions ever since. The awards are back again this year, in an attempt to find the best street photographer of the year 2015. Going through the scores of entries that we received this year, it was abundantly clear that we were going to have a difficult time in shortlisting the nominees.
An Extensive Judging Process
We received an overwhelming response of 54,751 posts from over 1,17,000 individual participants in the last 12 months. Continuing with last year’s judging module, this time around, our panel consisted of 17 judges. It includes photographers from different genres, from across the world. Without further ado, we present to you the top five nominees for APF street photographer of the year 2015.
1. Tavepong Pratoomwong (Thailand)
2. Andreas Katsakos (Greece)
3. Muhammad Imam Hasan (Bangladesh)
4. Moushumee K Jha (India)
5. Faisal Bin Rahman Shuvo (Bangladesh)
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